If you need ambulance services, please call 911 and the 911 Call Center will dispatch the medical team.
Union Township Community Center is located within the Borough. For information regarding rental of the Community Center, please contact Allen Runkle at 814.355.0289.
Pennsylvania State Police serves the Borough. If you have an emergency please call 911 or call 814.355.7545.
Citizen's Hook & Ladder is the fire company serving the Borough.
Borough tax millage rate is 4.77. Per Capita Tax is $5.00. Act 32 Earned Income Tax Rate is 2.55% and Local Service Tax is $10.00. Earned Income and Local Service Taxes are collected by Centre Tax Agency located at State College Borough in State College.
Tracy Williams is the Borough Tax Collector. She collects the Borough, Bald Eagle Area School District, and Per Capita taxes. When moving in or out of the Borough, it is important to contact Tracy Williams to discuss your taxes.
Tracy Williams, Tax Collector
Phone Number: 814.933.8594
Tracy Crestani is the Water Bill Collector. She collects all the water bills payments for the Borough. Please contact Ms. Crestani you are moving in or out of the Borough, have questions regarding billing, or changes to any billing information including address and name changes.
Remit water payments to:
Unionville Waterworks
PO Box 11
Fleming, PA 16835
Phone Number: 814.933.4070
Email: uborowaterworks@gmail.com
Dan Boring is the Borough's Emergency Management Coordinator. He has been appointed to coordinate declared emergencies within the Borough.
The Borough Building is available to be rented for social events. The rental cost is $50.00. To reserve the building, please email at uboro1859@gmail.com.
Union Grange 325 has a chapter in the Borough.
For information regarding the Centre County Government, please click the link below .
Mid-Centre Authority owns and maintains the sewer lines within the Borough. For questions regarding your sewer bills or sewer lines, please contact 814.355.8435 or click the link below.
IMPORTANT: Please do not flush sanitary or toilet wipes or cat litter into the sanitary sewer system. The system cannot handle these types of items and backups will occur. Backups into homes can be very disruptive.
Stan Wallace is the Borough's Sewage Enforcement Officer. Mr. Wallace handles any permits for septic tanks and beds. His phone number is 814.571.7231.
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Emergency Consumption for 72 hrs. 6,000 gallons of water available for residents after 4:00 pm. Water Tab for more Info.